Friday, February 11, 2011

What A Movie 'Shawshank Redemption' Is!

Its very rare that I watch any movie its entire length. I usually start by skipping the first titles, names and the movie name itself, and I usually 'Alt+Forward' through the intro of the movie, because mostly they are all the same. They usually start with "Mumbai Shehar" or "Delhi Shehar".. with an aerial view of the city and then they close into a small home to introduce the hero or villain. Its almost similar in all the cases.

English movies are a bit different; so I skip only those long conversations. For English movies I do a first pass by randomly seeking various parts of movie till the end; and then once I have got a picture of the timeline of the movie, I begin from the first and start skipping minor conversation and to land directly to 'action'; and if in case the movie is a thriller and I end up not understanding it; I can always come back to see that 'key' scene where the thrill of the movie is revealed.

My friends advised me to watch 'Shawshank Redemption' and they asked me to do so without 'fast forwarding'. And if I did do a forward, there would be no use of watching the movie ( for other movies they only used to say 'no fun' and I was quite okay with that'. So I sat through this 2 hour 15 minutes movie to its entirety and I must say till the last half an hour; I wasn't much surprised. But the last half hour really blew my mind off! I then understood that the entire 1 and a half hour of movie was a simple preparation for the climax. I am in complete agreement with the rating it gets in IMDB. I simply fell in love with that character!. If someone could accompany me; then I would definitely watch this movie; again :D

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