Monday, February 7, 2011

I Read 'Being Happy' And Its Amazing!

I never read books! Ever :D.. except the VTU books which I somehow by-hearted. In the final year of my college, my friends suggested me to go read this book "Being Happy" by Andrew Matthews; and I questioned their suggestion as to how would someone "Be Happy" by reading a book? I admit that it took a lot of efforts from their side to photocopy the book as the book's availability is quite scarce and I was in no way paying 500 bucks for that book. I started reading the book only because the front cover looked nice.

I guess this happens to be the only book till date other than VTU books that I happen to have finished :D and It is mind blowing! There are these little things in our life that we tend to ignore which are of prime importance and we say our life sucks. While I read this book, it was as if someone held mirror against me; after every chapter I could say "Damn! I was thinking it in a wrong way". Its not that book teaches you something magical; or something you would have never thought about or anything innovative; it simply points to the right direction; and right set of thoughts. The thought process, the mindset discussed in this book is already present in you; but you haven't cared enough or neither have you given it right importance.

Andrew makes sure that everything he says is presented in a very comical and 'happy' way; and never gets monotonous or boring. The cartoons and pictures everywhere does a very good job to keep you flipping through the pages. Although this is quite an old book; it seems it is still a bestseller. Don't go by the childish cover of the book; as it really has some serious stuff inside and will leave your head spinning once you are finished reading. I myself have seen some very serious behavioral changes in my friends who finished reading this book. Now guys, its your turn if you saw any change in me after this :D

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